Monday, May 31, 2010

Time to Reflect...The Simple Things in Life...

My goal today was to do absolutely nothing. Be lazy. Just hang around, no plans, no responsibilities, no picnics, nada. I slept in, cooked french toast and the day was before me with no "to do" list. Glorious!!! While I sit here with my daughter, watching Annie and singing along to "Tomorrow," and think back on what we've done today...cleaned up the house, made an emergency run to the mall to get Emily her "must-have" Justice sunglasses, then relaxed at the Skinny Dip with huge sundaes to beat back the heat, then cried through the end of "E.T." as Emily asked a million questions about the tiny alien on screen, I think...this has been a great day. And yes, I am in sweats, no makeup, and I love it.

On Saturday I took some time to myself to grab a good friend and head over to the Botanical Gardens. Just to meander around, enjoy the scenery and get some good practice in with my macro lens. As a photographer, I think we can all too quickly get lost in the weeds, buried in edits, catering to clients and sometimes forget the love affair we have with our cameras. I think it is vital to take time with your camera that belongs just to you. Get out and shoot! Take pictures that belong to no one, no strings, no responsibilities, no one else's opinions. Just you. And the camera. That was Saturday for me. Wandering aimlessly, overwhelmed by the colors, the unique textures of the trees, petals...the sun, the breeze, life. Just be.

There is no real point to this post except to say this: Don't forget what you love. And don't forget what got you there. Constantly return back to the simple things in life. It's the little things that keep you ticking. A Happy Memorial Day to all and a salute to all those who serve honorably defending our freedom. We will never forget.

Here are a few favorites from Saturday's "Katy time."

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