Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Homeless 2 Housing Spotlight: Anthony

Last night we had the great pleasure of welcoming Miss Amy Hammond to our photography class. A former NYC model, Amy was a natural delight for the children and they were of course awestruck by her "celebrity status." The girls were all giggling at her cool clothes, pretty makeup and stylish persona. The boys...well...they were all giggling at her cool clothes, pretty makeup and stylish persona. Ha! She was quite the showstopper.

After sharing her portfolio, stories "from the road," and continuing to encourage them to see the world creatively and know they are capable of anything, the kids got an opportunity to take some photos.

I am happy to share today's spotlight feature: Anthony. A quiet, but sweet individual, Anthony has an eye for secretly capturing unique compositions, rarely addressing the subject directly, but rather silently observing and choosing when to push the shutter button with tremendous thought. His contributions to class discussions are always creative and well-considered. In short, he's a joy to have around and I see great promise in him.

Here are a few of Anthony's best from last night. Bravo!

PS. These are SOOC (straight out of camera). SOOC being a lame Canon point-and-shoot that desperately needs replacing. Any takers who want to help some special kids get the tools that they need to really leap into the arts, please let me know!

PPS. Another one of my kids shared that he wants to be a photographer when he grows up last night! Yay!!!!!! And I can't share this without adding that he was particularly disinterested when we started and has made a complete turnaround and has become one of the brightest, most artistic contributors to our classroom. He has a potential deeper than I've seen in most adults in a long, long while.

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