Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Tidbit Post: The ins, the outs, the whats, the whys...

It just occurred to me that I've referenced several different avenues of my creative, professional and personal life lately, and I've never really wrapped it all up in a nice, tiny bow for readers who may just be coming to the table now after a series of big changes and new adventures. So, here it is...what I'm up to on any given day and what you can expect to see and hear on the blog.

My husband and I just celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary, which means I've been in business for just over 5 years now (holy cow!). My daughter, Emily, who by now you've seen and heard from No Makeup March (highest traffic post to date on this blog!), continues to sprinkle our lives with preteen angst and general fashion monstrosity. Needless to say, we laugh a lot. My twin boys, Ben & Jake, are just about 2 now, which means the state of their energy these days isn't properly defined by any language or word known to mankind. They are the lights of my life, and while they certainly keep me on my toes (when they're awake, when they're asleep, I'm usually face down in my own bed in recovery mode), every second spent with them is a blessing and a constant reminder that God is faithful.

And beyond the haze of a full time career in the corporate world, I somehow manage to find time for my photography. After the boys were born, it became pretty clear that I needed to clean the slate a bit to focus my energies on family and home, while making sure my creative life centered around my areas of strength and greatest inspiration for both my benefit and the ultimate benefit of those clients I am blessed to call friends. So for the past two years, I've focused on engagement, wedding and boudoir photography with a few twists thrown into the mix:

1. Hampton Roads Creative: As a core blogger and founder of this special little community, I've found a niche that I absolutely adore. Lots of new learners, great encouragement and a voice to my business mindset and general approach that hopefully lends a hand to others growing new ideas and ventures in their own creative lives. The community is always happy to have new members, so if you're looking for a place to connect with other artists in the Hampton Roads area, please join us! case you missed it, my little dudes made an appearance on the blog just this morning!

2. Shutterbug Photography Series: I talked about this in Monday's post but for those who didn't catch it, I have found another happy place in teaching new DSLR camera owners how to use those expensive, complex techno-machines they just purchased with no idea how to use them other than to click the shutter button in Auto mode. I've offered group classes to moms and hobbyists and more recently have had the great joy to teach private lessons to more avid learners. There's something extra exciting about empowering others with knowledge and let's be honest, we all know I can talk the ear off of anyone on the planet, so this was a natural fit for me.

3. Orchestrated Stylized Shoots: A match made in heaven, I've been blessed to marry my OCD-lovin', event-planning heart with my creativity and photography to assist as the Logistics Coordinator for Chelsea LaVere of Bit of Ivory Photography on her love child, Orchestrated, hosting elaborately themed and executed mock wedding events for photographers to stretch their creative juices and bulk up their portfolios (BAM! Run-on sentence winner!). This partnership has presented opportunities to travel and connect with vendors on a national level and has kept my inspiration at top notch as I head into wedding season. We're in the midst of planning our next adventure, Union, A Frank Lloyd Wright-inspired event, right here in Hampton Roads, so keep up with the Facebook page for more details and treats.

So, that's it! Other than that, I'm free as a bird. Ha! Chaos, right? Well, I thrive on it. And I'm grateful more than words can say with the direction God has taken my life and my creative journey in the past year and anxiously and excitedly waiting to see where it continues to head in the future. I'm happy to have you here keeping up with the insanity and can't wait to share all the good stuff along the way!

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