Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Where Am I?

I've done it. I've become the slacker blogger. I've broken the cardinal rule of blogging: always keep blogging. I would be lying if I didn't admit that wasn't the only rule I've broken now that our family has supersized to Mama, Daddy, Big Sis, two wee babes, and two crazy dogs. (And our home and my access to my computer have decreased exponentially to wading through a sea of baby bouncers, swings, car seats and dog hair to traverse a room on the rare occasion when everyone is happy, asleep or otherwise occupied and not begging for my undivided attention.)

So, here's what's up!

I am back to work. And it's marvelous. I love my boys infinitely, but I am just not cut out to stay at home. Yes, juggling three kids, work and life has brought everything to a whole new level of chaos, but in a way, I find it more peaceful, as being at work all day allows me to enjoy the quiet, miss my kiddos, and then head home with a happy heart to huge smiles that make every load of laundry, frantic morning, and dirty diaper more than worthwhile.

I am back behind the camera and lovin' every minute of it. God's timing is so perfect. Right before I got pregnant with the boys, I was teetering on the edge of a complete artistic burnout. I honestly wondered if I would even continue shooting at all in the coming year. Strangely enough, that is precisely what happened, although of course far beyond my original line of thinking. All that time, all of the amazing things that have happened in my life...they have all catapulted me to a higher plane of creativity, and I am just itching to shoot. I have been blessed to welcome two other little babes to this world through my work, have shared in the joy of a new engagement, and now look forward to returning to the wedding arena in just a few weeks to celebrate the love and charisma of an awesome pair as they embark on their lives together.

Other exciting things coming up...I plan to tackle a new group of at-risk kids and look forward to encouraging the opportunity to share their voices through the art of photography. My husband and I are looking at some major changes for our family that have us in prayer and thanksgiving that we can even consider these changes a possibility. And of course, I continue in my quest to figure out how to cook dinner at night. Baby steps.

Stay tuned for sneak peeks of what is sure to be a stunning wedding in just a few short weeks!

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